Can an egg from the grocery store hatch a baby chick?

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All hens will lay about one egg a day, or 300 eggs per year.

Yes! Hens will lay eggs whether there is a rooster around or not. The egg laid by hens who have not been around a rooster areĀ unfertilized, meaning they will not develop into chicks.

The main parts of an egg are the shell, the membrane, the thick and thin albumen (or "white"), the yolk, the chalaza, and the air cell.

Just like chickens have different colored feathers or dogs have different colored fur, different breeds of chickens lay different colored eggs. In fact, you can tell what color eggs a hen will lay by looking at the color of her earlobes!

No! All eggs, regardless of shell color, have the same nutritional value. Many people believe brown eggs are healthier, but this is not true.

Depending on the type of farm the hens are from that are laying the "farm fresh" eggs, they may not be so different at all. If the hens have been allowed to free range, they may have a slightly darker yellow yolk than a store egg would. This is because the more variety a hen has in her diet, like bugs or fruits, the darker the egg yolk will be. This does not make it more nutritious, just a different color. Depending on if the "farm fresh" hens have been around a rooster, these eggs may also be fertilized whereas store eggs will not be.

It takes 21 days of incubation for an egg to fully develop. This means 21 days of proper heat (around 99-100 degrees F) and humidity for development.

Hens raised to lay eggs for grocery stores are kept in controlled environments where they are watched very closely and fed a very specific diet. They have never been around a rooster, so their eggs will always be unfertilized. This means they can never develop into chicks, so you will never find a baby chick inside a grocery store egg.

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