How is bread made?
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Wheat is an annual grass plant that grows up to 2-3 feet tall. It is also considered a grain plant which is a plant that produces a dry, edible seed called a kernel, which humans use for consumption. Although it is grown and used mostly for human consumption, wheat is also used for a variety of other products like glues, cosmetics, straw, and more.
There are 5 classes of wheat gown in the United States depending on the climate in that region. Hard Red Winter wheat is grown across the Great Plains. Hard Red Spring wheat is grown in the Northern Plains. Soft Red Winter wheat is grown in the Eastern States. White wheat is grown mostly in the North Western States but is also found in Michigan and New York. And Durum wheat is grown in the Northern States of North Dakota and Montana.
The varieties of plants within each of the 5 classes of wheat are grown different uses in food products. This is because the varieties have different amounts of gluten and other proteins found in the kernels. Gluten is a protein within the kernel that allows dough to stretch and rise when mixed with yeast. Wheat varieties with lower levels of gluten, like the wheat grown in Illinois, are used as ingredients in food products like flat breads, cereals, pancakes, pretzels, and cookies.
Illinois farmers in Southern Illinois are able to grow wheat because they have a longer growing season than farmers in Central and Northern Illinois. Wheat farmers in Illinois are able to plant wheat after they harvest their cash crop (corn or soybeans) in the fall. After the initial fall growth, the wheat plants become dormant through the winter season and then begin to 'head' at the beginning of May. Farmers are then able to harvest the wheat in time to plant their normal cash crops. In this case, the wheat is considered a "double-crop" since farmers are able to grow two types of crop on the same land. In addition to wheat being a "double-crop", wheat is also a great cover crop that can protect the soil of the winter and add additional nutrients to the soil.
There are about 12,000-14,000 kernels in one pound. A bushel of wheat kernels weighs about 60 pounds and yields about 42 pounds of white flour or 60 pounds of whole wheat flour.
Farmers will harvest wheat after it ripens and when the moisture level makes up no more than 14% of the kernel's weight. This is because the wheat has to be dry enough to be stored without spoiling. Wheat farmers can take samples of their crop from different parts of their fields to a grain elevator to test for moisture levels.
There are about 12,000-14,000 kernels in one pound. A bushel of wheat kernels weighs about 60 pounds and yields about 42 pounds of white flour or 60 pounds of whole wheat flour.
The kernel is made up of three important parts: the endosperm, the bran, and the germ. The endosperm is the inner part of the kernel and when separated from the rest of the kernel and milled, or ground up, it produces white flour. When the all three parts of the kernel are milled together, it produces whole wheat flour.
Once wheat is harvested, it is taken to the wheat mill. Here, the kernels are milled, or ground down, to make flour. Flour is one of the main ingredients in bread products. The flour is mixed with other ingredients like sugar, salt, and yeast, depending on the type of bread being made. Once the dough is ready, it will go into a specific pan and bake until it's ready!