General Farming Lessons: 6-8


Test students' basic math skills with this farm layout activity.


3-5 Lessons

6-8 Lessons

Farm Crops and Animals Logic Puzzle

In this activity, students will learn about farm crops and animals then use an elimination grid to solve a puzzle.


6-8 Lessons

3-5 Lessons

Illinois Agricultural Commodity Income

Students will learn about Illinois commodities income while using graph interpretation and basic math skills, including fractions, decimals, and using large numbers.


3-5 Lessons

6-8 Lessons

Lubricants, Viscosity and Machines

Students will utilize the scientific method as they test the viscosity of household liquids at various temperatures.


3-5 Lessons

6-8 Lessons

Machine Logic Puzzle

In this activity, students will learn about machines, then use an elimination grid to solve a puzzle.


3-5 Lessons

6-8 Lessons

Peanut Production

Students will learn about the global popularity of the peanut by interpreting tables and maps.


3-5 Lessons

6-8 Lessons