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Apple Crush by Lucy Knisley
Food Fight For Fiona by Liz Lareau
Grand Theft Horse by G. Neri
The Great American Dust Bowl by Don Brown
George Washington Carver: Ingenious Inventor by Nathan Olson
Levi Strauss and Blue Jeans by Nathan Olson
Little Monarchs by Jonathan Case
Louis Pasteur and Pasteurization by Jennifer Fandel
Meal by Blue Delliquanti
Measuring Up by Lily LaMotte
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell
Silver Spoon Vol. 1 by Hiomu Arakawa
Stepping Stones by Lucy Knisley
Wildflower Emily: A Story About Young Emily Dickenson by Lydia Corry
Yummy: A History of Desserts by Victoria Grace Elliot